Cellenis Derma PRP in Orlando, FL - Rejuvenate Wellness Center

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Revitalize Your Skin Naturally with Cellenis Derma PRP 

As we age, our skin loses elasticity and volume, leading to wrinkles, fine lines and an overall loss of a youthful appearance. Traditionally, dermal fillers have been used to add volume back, but they come with risks like allergic reactions. Now, there is a breakthrough natural alternative – Cellenis Derma PRP.

What is Cellenis Derma PRP?

Cellenis Derma PRP utilizes the patient’s platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and processes it into an injectable gel that provides both immediate and long-lasting volumization of the skin. It builds on the proven tissue regeneration abilities of PRP and converts it into a structured protein mesh that supports the dermal layers.

Since it comes directly from the patient’s blood, there is minimal to no risk of an allergic reaction, unlike traditional fillers. It is even safe for immunocompromised patients. The results last 4-6 months as the natural scaffold of the substance is absorbed gradually, stimulating collagen production over time.

Cellenis deram treatment result image
Cellenis deram treatment result image

Benefits Cellenis Derma PRP


  • Patients will love having beautiful, youthful skin using their growth factors rather than foreign substances.
  • There is no risk of allergies, rejection or many side effects.
  • The in-office procedure takes less than an hour with virtually no downtime needed afterwards.
  • The injectable thick gel is easily moulded for customized facial shaping and sculpting.
  • Their natural collagen regenerates over the next few months; the smooth, vibrant results get better over time.
  • After one or two sessions a year to maintain volume, patients will look 5 to 10 years younger.
Cellenis Derma PRP image


  • Cellenis Deram PRP can be used on the face and body
  • Ideal for Immune compromised patients
  • Ideal for difficult-to-fill areas such as:

           ⇒ lip lines

               ⇒ Tear trough

                 larger volume areas


Cellenis Derma PRP treatment result

How Cellenis Derma PRP Works?

The process starts by drawing a small amount of the patient’s blood and spinning it using a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma. The PRP then goes through a proprietary process to isolate the plasma portion and use albumin protein chains to create a dense, structured liquid.
When injected into the dermal layers, this thick gel provides immediate volume expansion of the skin for smoothing lines and wrinkles. Over the next few months, growth factors are released that steadily stimulate collagen regeneration for long-term wrinkle filling and skin rejuvenation.

Dramatically improve the condition of ageing skin with this safe, natural alternative to injections. Both your practice and your patients will love the quick, simple and profitable Cellenis Derma PRP anti-ageing solution.

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Cellenis® PRP Main Functions:

Sun-Damaged Skin

 Cellenis Derma PRP helps to rejuvenate sun-damaged skin by promoting collagen synthesis and improving skin elasticity, resulting in a smoother and more radiant complexion.

Acne Scars

This treatment helps to reduce the appearance of acne scars by stimulating collagen production and promoting skin regeneration, leading to a more even skin tone and texture.

Stretch Marks

Cellenis Derma PRP helps to improve the appearance of stretch marks by promoting collagen synthesis and improving skin elasticity, resulting in a smoother and more even skin texture.

Skin Texture and Tone

This treatment helps to improve skin texture and tone by stimulating collagen production and promoting skin regeneration, resulting in a more radiant and youthful complexion.

Hair Loss

Cellenis Derma PRP helps to promote hair growth by stimulating blood flow and promoting collagen synthesis, resulting in thicker and healthier-looking hair.

Restore Moisture and Glow

This treatment helps to restore moisture and glow to the skin by promoting collagen synthesis and improving skin elasticity, resulting in a smoother and more radiant complexion.

Refine Fine Lines

Cellenis Derma PRP helps to refine fine lines and wrinkles by stimulating collagen production and promoting skin regeneration, resulting in a smoother and more youthful complexion.

Dark Circles

This treatment helps to reduce the appearance of dark circles under the eyes by promoting collagen synthesis and improving skin elasticity, resulting in a brighter and more radiant complexion.

Is Cellenis Derma PRP safe?

Yes, Cellenis Derma PRP has an excellent safety record. Since it utilizes the patient’s tissues and proteins, the risk of rejection or allergies is rare. The biocompatible gel is smoothly integrated for natural-looking results.

What areas can be treated?

Cellenis Derma PRP can be used on the face and body. Popular treatment areas include cheeks, temples, around the mouth, backs of hands and décolletage. It effectively volumizes wrinkles, scars and sunken/hollow areas.

What is recovery like?

There is virtually no downtime. Most people return to normal activity immediately with discreet results. Temporary swelling/redness may be covered with makeup. Initial results are visible right away, with improving skin texture over the first month.

How long do results last?

Individual response varies but typically last 18-24 months. Most patients schedule maintenance sessions once a year to maintain their smooth, youthful-looking skin.

Is Cellenis Derma PRP affordable?

Each aesthetic practice determines to price but is comparable to leading dermal fillers and neurotoxin injections on a per-syringe basis. Cellenis Derma PRP involves no expensive medications, so it may offer pricing advantages to patients.